Basic Parameters



Example Command

Example Output


Special parameter that can be placed on the first line of a command to sync a custom description to the web

$desc(This command does an API call somewhere!) $readapi(

[whatever the api returns]


Displays the user’s id, in case of Twitch it’s the user’s name in lower case characters. Make sure to use $userid when using $addpoints, $removepoints, $givepoints parameters.

/me steals a cookie from $userid

Bot steals a cookie from ankhheart


Make use of this parameter when you just want to output a good looking version of their name to chat.

/me steals a cookie from $username

Bot steals a cookie from AnkhHeart


Displays the target’s id, in case of Twitch it’s the target’s name in lower case characters. Make sure to use $targetid when using $addpoints, $removepoints, $givepoints parameters.

/me kicks $targetid in the face! | !kick AnkhHeart

Bot kicks ankhheart in the face!


Displays the target’s or user’s id, in case of Twitch it’s the target’s or user’s name in lower case characters. Make sure to use $touserid when using $addpoints, $removepoints, $givepoints parameters.

/me kicks $touserid in the face! !kick Chair or !kick

Bot kicks chair in the face! or Bot kicks ankhheart in the face


Displays the target’s or user’s display name. Make use of this parameter when you just want to output a good looking version of their name to chat.

/me kicks $tousername in the face! !kick Chair or !kick

Bot kicks chair in the face! or Bot kicks ankhheart in the face


Displays the bot’s name

Hello I am $botname | !name

Bot: Hello I am StreamlabsBot!


Displays a random user that has spoken in chat recently. In case of Twitch it’s the random user’s name in lower case characters.

/me gives $randuserid a hug! | !hug

Bot gives ankhheart a hug!


Displays a random user that has spoken in chat recently. Make use of this parameter when you just want to output a good looking version of their name to chat.

/me gives $randusername a hug! | !hug

Bot gives AnkhHeart a hug!


Displays the text after the command

$username rolls a $randnum(1,21) for $msg | !msg I wish I had 9 lives!

Bot: AnkhHeart rolls a 18 for I wish I had 9 lives!


Displays the bot’s name

Hello I am $botname | !name

Bot: Hello I am StreamlabsBot!


This will be replaced by the channel name where the bot is connected

Connected to $mychannel | !mychannel

Bot: Connected to AnkhHeart


This will get replaced by anything behind the command. If there is nothing it be cleared from the

response message.$dummyormsg | !test Cats or !test




This is a Dummy that will not post the message if there is nothing behind the command

$dummy $readrandline(C:UsersAnkhBlah.txt) | !8ball Am I green?

Bot: Perhaps?!

$arg1 to $arg9

$arg1 will give you the first word after the command and $arg9 the ninth. If these parameters are in the command it expects them to be there if they are not entered the command will not post.$dummyormsg | !test Cats or !test

/me hugs says $arg1 $arg2! |

!argtest Hi Meow? Cookies?

$argl1 to $argl9

$argl1 will give you the first word after the command and $argl9 the ninth but all in lower case. If these parameters are in the command it expects them to be there. the command will not run without them

/me hugs says $arg1 $arg2! |

!argtest Hi Meow? Cookies?

Bot: hi meow?!

$num1 to $num9

expects a valid integer

/me hugs says $arg1 $arg2! |

!argtest Hi Meow? Cookies?

Bot hi meow?!

$randnum(max) or $randnum(min,max)

Displays a random number in a specified range

/me rolls a $randnum(1,7)! | !roll

Bot rolls a 3!


Displays a random quote

$randextra | !randgif



Displays the amount of quotes

There are $quotes quotes. | !quotes

Bot: There are 123 quotes.


Displays a random value from the extra quotes

$randextra | !randgif



Displays the highest number quote

There are $quotes quotes. Ranging from 0 to $maxquotes.

Bot: There are 123 quotes.

Ranging from 0 to 122.


Counts amount of times a command has been used

/me has $count jars of salt. | !count

Bot has 3 jars of salt. | Bot has 4 jars of salt. | Bot has

5 jars of salt | etc…


Displays the count of a specific command

Cookie Count: $checkcount(!cookie) | !check

Bot: Cookie Count: 10

$commands( NumCommandsPerPage)

Displays a list of all available commands for the user

Commands: $commands(3) | !commands or !commands (PageNumber)

Bot: Commands: !Cookie, !Slap,

!Caster [Page 0/2]


This will display the target’s position in the queue

$username you are in Position $queuepos($userid)
Bot: AnkhHeart you are in

Position 1


This will display the first X amount of people in the queue

Next Up in Queue: $queue(3) | !NextUp

Bot: Next Up in Queue: #0 anaki, #1 ankhheart, #2 xailran


Displays a list of all available Timers

Timers: $timers(3) | !timers or !timers


Bot: Timers: !ctt, !twitter,

!youtube [Page 0/1]


Displays the Date based on the format under Quote Settings

Currently it is $date

Bot: Currently it is 08/09/2015


Displays a list of all available SFX for the user

SFX: $sfx(3) | !sfx or !sfx (PageNumber)

Bot: SFX: !scream, !pika, !morph

[Page 0/0]


Displays the caster’s time

Currently it is $time over at AnkhHeart’s

part of the world.

Bot: it is 10:20 PM over at

AnkhHeart’s part of the world.


Displays currencyname

In this channel you can collect $currencyname |


Bot: In this channel you can

collect Cookies!

$nextsong and $nextrequestedby

Return the current song that is being played through songrequest

Current Song: $currentsong – Requested By

$requestedby | !currentsong

Bot: Current song: ONE MORE FIGHT

– Requested By AnkhHeart

$nextsong and


Return the current song that is next in queue

Next Song: $nextsong – Requested By

$nextrequestedby | !nextsong

Bot: Next song: ONE MORE FIGHT –

Requested By AnkhHeart

$countdown(12:00 AM) or $countdown(04/05/2015 12:00 AM)

Allows you to start a countdown from the current time to the set time/date

$countdown(04/05/2015 12:00 AM) | !sleep

Bot: 1 day 2 hours 48 minutes

36 seconds

$countup(12:00 AM) or $countup(04/05/2015 12:00 AM)

Allows you to set a start date for when the bot should start counting

$countup(07/03/2016 12:00 AM) | !UsingStreamlabs


Bot: 1 day 2 hours 48 minutes

36 seconds


Allows you to perform math functions inside of Streamlabs Chatbot

$math[10+5/2] | !Math

Bot: 12


Grabs your Extra Life goal

$extralifegoal | !goal

Bot: 5000


Grabs the amount you currently raised for Extra Life

$extralifeamount | !amount

Bot: 100

Currency Parameters



Example Command

Example Output


Displays the num of points of the user or target

$username has $points $currencyname | !cookies or !cookies ankhheart

Bot: AnkhHeart has 1234 Cookies!


Displays the num of points of the user or target nicely formatted

$username has $pointstext $currencyname | !cookies or !cookies ankhheart

Bot: AnkhHeart has 1,234 Cookies


Displays amount of times the user or target has raided the channel

$username has raided the channel $raids time(s) so far! | !raids or !raids

Bot: AnkhHeart has raided the channel 3 time(s) so far!


Displays the users rank

$username is Rank: $rank | !rank or !rank AnkhHeart

Bot: AnkhHeart is Rank: Ninja Kitty


Displays amount of hours the user has been in the stream for

$username spent $hours in the stream! | !hrs

Bot: AnkhHeart spent 10.5 hrs in the stream!


Displays the users level

$username is Level $level! | !Lvl

Bot: AnkhHeart is Level 10


Displays top X amount of users based on points (Except Caster & Bots)

Top 3: $toppoints(3) } !top3

Bot: Top 3: #1 Brain(1000), #2

Kruiser8(999),#3 EdeMonster(998)


Displays top X amount of users based on hours(Except Caster & Bots)

Top 2: $tophours(2) | !top2

Bot: Top 2: #1 Decius(123, Hrs) #2 Ocgineer(120 Hrs)


Displays the users position in the ranking based on amount of points

$username is ranked #$pointspos | !mypos

Bot: AnkhHeart is ranked #1


Displays the users position in the ranking based on amount of hours

$username is ranked #$hourspos | !hrspos

Bot: AnkhHeart is ranked #2


Displays the amount of points/hours the user requires for his next rank

$username, You need $nxtrankreq points to become a $nxtrank!

Bot: AnkhHeart, You need 13 points to become a Ninja Kitty!


“min”,”max”,”succeed”, “fail”)

Adds points to a certain user and sends a message upon succeeding / failing

$addpoints(“ankhheart”,”10”,”50”,”ankhheart Got $value points”,”Failed to give points!”) | !addpoints

Bot: AnkhHeart got 25 points


,”min”,”max”,”succeed”, “fail”,”forceremove true

or false”)

Removes points from a certain user and sends a message upon succeeding/failing. Force remove(true/false)

removes points even if the user doesn’t have enough.


$value points from ankhheart.”,”Unable To remove $value points from ankhheart!”,”false”) | !removepoints

Bot: Removed 85 points from



,”min”,”max”,”succeed”, “fail”,”forceremove true

or false”)

Removes points from a certain user and sends a message upon succeeding/failing. Force remove(true/false)

removes points even if the user doesn’t have enough.


$value points from ankhheart.”,”Unable To remove $value points from ankhheart!”,”false”) | !removepoints

Bot: Removed 85 points from



“toid”,”num”,”succeed”, “fail”,”forcegive true or false”)

Gives points from one person to another.

$givepoints(“$userid”,”$targetid”,”50”,”$username gave $value points to $targetname”,”$username didn’t have enough points to give to $targetname!” ,”false”) | !give gamegooru21

Bot: AnkhHeart gave 50 points to Must13


[Only Works inside of $addpoints, $givepoints or $removepoints] Gets replaced with the random value between min & max

[see above example]

[see above example]


[Only Works inside of $addpoints, $givepoints or $removepoints] Gets replaced with the remaining balance after a $removepoints, $addpoints or $givepoints transaction


gave $value points to $targetname.$targetname: $newbalance($targetid) points remaining.”,”fail” ,”false”) | !give gamegooru21

Bot: AnkhHeart gave 50 gamegooru21. AnkhHeart 50 remaining

Twitch API Parameters



Example Command

Example Output


Displays the user’s twitch channel URL

$user’s twitch channel is: $userurl | !userurl

Bot: AnkhHeart’s twitch channel is:


Displays the user’s last played/current game

$user’s was/is playing: $usergame | !usergame

Bot: AnkhHeart was/is playing: Bloodborne


Displays the user’s stream title

$user’s Stream title is: $userstatus | !userstatus

Bot: AnkhHeart’s Stream title

is: [720p] Fable: The Lost Chapters [PC]


Displays the target’s twitch channel URL

$targetname can be found streaming at: $url | !url AnkhHeart

Bot: AnkhHeart can be found

streaming at:


Displays the target’s current/last played game

$targetname has last played: $game | !game AnkhHeart

Bot: AnkhHeart has last played: Bloodborne


Displays the target’s stream title

$targetname Stream title is: $title | !title AnkhHeart

Bot: AnkhHeart Stream title is: [720p] Fable: The Lost Chapters


Displays the twitch channel URL for your stream

My channel is: $myurl. | !myurl

Bot: My channel is:


Displays the game you are currently playing

I am playing: $mygame | !currentgame

Bot: I am playing: Bloodborne


Displays your stream title

Status: $mystatus | !mystatus

Bot: Status: [720p] Fable: The Lost Chapters [PC]


Displays for how long the stream has been Live

The stream has been live for: $uptime | !uptime

Bot: The stream has been live for: 1 hour 25 minutes 58 seconds


Displays your streams follower count

AnkhHeart has $followercount followers!
Bot: AnkhHeart has 1070



Displays your streams sub count

AnkhHeart has $subcount subs! !subcount

Bot: AnkhHeart has 0 subs!



Displays everyone that is currently hosting the stream (Only works when you’re live)

Current Hosts: $currenthosts(2)

Bot: Current Hosts: EdeMonster, Promouse [Page 0/1]

$setgame(game) and $settitle(title)

Allows you to set the game & title through a command and create presets for certain games

$setgame(Dungeon Defenders II) $settitle(MMO Mornings) | !dd2

No response as the bot will simply update the game & title

File Reading Parameters



Example Command

Example Output


Reads the first line of the document

$readline(C:test.txt) | !currentsong

Bot: Currently playing: Popskyy - Rize Up



Reads a random line from the file

/me slaps $randusername with a $readrandline(C:test2.txt) | !slap

Bot slaps AnkhHeart with a Tuna | slaps AnkhHeart with a Brick(etc)

$readspecificline (FileLocation,LineNum)

Reads a specific line from the file (Starts from 0)

/me slaps $randusername with a $readspecificline(C:test2.txt,3)! | !slap

Bot slaps AnkhHeart with a



Displays the game you are currently playing

I am playing: $mygame | !currentgame

Bot: I am playing: Bloodborne

Custom API Parameter



Example Command

Example Output


Displays the text on the URL’s page. Max 500 characters

$readapi( =ankhheart&limit=5)

Bot: 1. BensGaming808, 2. Gamakuro, 3. GENERAL_XROS, 4. wulleybully, 5. NorQuel

File Saving Parameters



Example Command

Example Output

$overwritefile(“fileLocation “,”Text”) And $overwritefile(“fileLocation “,”Text”,”Succeed”,”Fail”)

Overwrites all the data in the .txt file with the added text

$overwritefile(“C:test.txt”,”$msg”,”Succeeded :D”,”Failed! “) | !save I am a cat

Bot: Succeeded!

Miscellaneous Parameters



Example Command

Example Output


Only usable in the Twitch Resub Notification

$username just subbed for $months months in a row!

Bot: AnkhHeart just subbed for 3 months in a row!

$bits / $totalbits

Only usable in the Cheer Chat Notification

$username just cheered $bits bits for a total of $totalbits bits!

Bot: AnkhHeart just cheered 100 bits for a total of 1234 bits!


Only usable in the Streamlabs Chat Notification

$username just donated $amount USD! Message: $donationmsg

Bot: AnkhHeart just donated 10 USD! Message: Harro <3


Only usable in the Streamlabs Chat Notification

$username just donated $amount USD! Message: $donationmsg

Bot: AnkhHeart just donated 10 USD! Message: Harro <3


Only usable in the Host Chat Notification

$username just hosted you for $viewers viewer(s)!

Bot: AnkhHeart just hosted you for 10 viewer(s)!